How To Money

August 17, 2009

Many if not most, of the people here are interested in what I am just going to call “how to money”. You can insert whatever verb you want (assuming its not ‘repel’) into this phrase, but the point is we are all looking for ways to make money on the internet. Therefore, I am going to summarize what I have learned in my time pursuing this “how to money” question as it relates to the making money on the internet:

How To Money Tip #1: Figure out what you have to offer, what you are good or knowledgable about and focus on that. Are you good at writing, analyzing, programming, photography, etc.?

How To Money Tip #2: Freelancing: Go to sites such as and post your skills there so that potential customers can have a look at what you have to offer.

How To Money Tip #3: Writing: there are many sites you can get paid to write or get your articles in the search engines in order to drive traffic to your site. is a good one if you don’t have a website. You can write articles and get paid annualy depending on how popular they are. pays you to write reviews of software products (if you understand the field) lets you suggest domain names for others who are, well, picky about their domain names.

You won’t get rich from these, but you can make some decent income if you are persistent.

How To Money Tip #4: Question and Answers sites: you can make a good amount of money answering folks questions on the internet. You must be careful not to spam though. The most well-known of these sites is Yahoo Answers. Another is

How To Money Tip #5: Build your own website or blog. Your main goal is then to include links to products for which you are an affiliate. Choose good legitimate products, they’ll be around longer, give you more sales, and it’s better for you psychologically. The key is to drive traffic to your site which you can do by using some of the other tips here.

How To Money Tip #6: Build a blog and continue to add to it. The search engines love content and the more you add and the more targeted it is the better. Again, think about what niche you have to offer. At you can take ownership of an abandoned blog.

How To Money Tip #7: The best places for affiliates and ads are (1) Goodle AdSense (2) (3) and (4) Commission Junction

How To Money Tip #8: Photography: at you can upload photos and videos and everytimes someone uses it you get a commission.

How To Money Tip #9: Take Surveys: At and you can take surveys and get paid. There are many others, but proceed with caution there.

How To Money Tip #10: Online Teaching: you’d be surprised at the number of places online where you can teach or tutor others about your speacialty. is a good site for this.

How To Money Tip #11: Online Office Assistant: you can sign up for temp jobs as an office assistant dealing with emails, bookkeeping, data entry, etc. One place to do this is

How To Money Tip#12: At, you start off with a penny and can increase by playing games and being involved in various activity. Moola makes money through their advertising

How To Money Tip #13: pays for content (they even promise you that you’ll get paid everytime you come to their site)

How To Money Tip #14: Review Music: that’s right, you can get paid to listen to music and write a review for it. The only site I know of for this is

How To Money Tip #15: Online Dictation: If you are quick at typing you can dictate at

That’s all for now, if more come to mind I’ll add them. If anyone has any other tips to share you are more than welcome. I hope this helps!


Dave Walters is a retired online marketer who devotes his time to helping others find legitimate at home work. To see his Top 5 At Home Jobs rankings, go to:

Re-visiting Teaching English

August 7, 2009

When I started this blog recently, the goal was (and still is) to spread information on how to help others free themselves from the bondage of a job they don’t like (hence the name of the blog: JobImmune). I knew that teaching English overseas is absolutely a dream job and I knew it isn’t well publicized at all. However, I am AMAZED at the response I have got in regards to teaching English overseas. So many people have been asking for more about this opportunity. It turns out this opportunity is much more unknown than I previously thought. I have been asked so many questions, therefore, I am going to re-summarize the situation teaching English overseas (read previous blog entries below to learn more as well):


-You almost always have an upper-middle class salary
-You are usually provided with free housing (which is usually much nicer than most of the local’s homes)
-You would work (including prep time) anywhere from 12-25 hours a week.
-You have no bills since, if accomodation is provided, they usually pay all utilities for you
-You can usually save a decent amount
-You only work 8-9 months out of the year (like other teachers)
-You get the opportunitiy to see a new country and learn a new language and culture
-The students (especially in Asia) will give you the respect of a Queen/King
-For me at least, it is an incredibly fulfilling experience
-There is HUGE demand and little supply of teachers (I still get offers months after accepting a position)
-Overseas experience is very marketable nowadays
-You get to experience something new

WHAT IS USUALLY REQUIRED (though not always depending on the country and school)
-You need to have at least a little sense of adventure
-Be able to leave your country of residence for a semester at least
-Mostly, but not always, you need a Bachelor’s degree
-Sometimes you need a TEFL Certificate (which you can get online, but I personally never got one and have no trouble finding work, even with schools who say they require it – rules are meant to be broken!)

-You absolutely DO NOT NEED to speak the local language (all instruction is in English)
-You are never to old
-You don’t need experience teaching English to get a position (though it does help in class)

So, if you want to learn more, look through the “Links to FREEDOM” on the right side of this page and good luck to all.


Get Paid – Surveys Online

July 29, 2009

Another way to build up some income is to get paid surveys online.  It is an excellent way to pick up some extra income.  It’s simple, easy and it doesn’t matter what your education is.

It all comes down to this: millions of companies out there need to do research to test new products or ideas and they need to know what the average Jane or Joe thinks about the product or idea.  They’d love to call us up at home (and sometimes they try) but most people simply hang up on them.  Therefore, survey networks came in and said to these companies, “We will find people to take the surveys for you if you pay us.”  The companies pay the survey networks and the survey networks get people like you and me to take the surveys and they pass on some of the cash to us. 

Now, before you jump into it, a word of caution, there are alot of survey scams out there.  There are also alot of legitimate survey networks which are simply inefficient and unorganized.  There are only a handful of good, solid survey networks out there.  You could find them yourself if you do the research.  My favorite one, and the one I have made the most money with is called Survey Scout.  They’ve been in business since 1997 (which is rare for online networks) and they always pay on time.  You can get paid anywhere from $5 – $150/hour, depending on the type of survey you take.  You can also get paid to try out products (most of which you get to keep). 

If you’d like to visit survey scout CLICK HERE

If you want to get paid surveys online, I’ve found Survey Scout to have the most opportunity and to be the most reliable. Feel free to do your own research as well, there are always new companies out there offering new things, but taking paid surveys online is another great way to get paid from home and can be very lucrative as well.  Best of luck and I hope you are one step closer to being Job Immune today!

Fartarella and How I Landed An ESL Position Overseas

July 24, 2009

So how did I find a position teaching English overseas?  It was very easy actually  (I will tell you about Fartarella in a moment) . I was just finishing college and I was interested in Asia.  I searched the internet looking for a way to work there and stumbled upon websites looking for English teachers in Japan.  I soon realized the potential and started surfing the ESL job forums.  I decided to go to China because I wanted to learn Mandarin Chinese.  I started sending out emails to employers in China.

The morning after I first sent out emails, I was stunned!  I’m not sure how, but I swear I had more responses than emails I had sent out.  Multiple employers offered me a job on the spot and I probably could’ve gotten one immediately, but I am not the type to go into something umprepared.  I took my time and asked questions about the positions to employers who responded. 

Enter Fartarella….Believe it or not, this is a woman’s name.  Not only that, she is the department chair of the college of foreign languages at a University in China.  You see, in China, most Chinese people who interact with foreigners choose an English name so that we can pronounce it.  Obviously Fartarella chose her name without researching it.  But Fartarella knew her stuff and she knew how to market her school to foreigners.  I accepted the position (addressing her as Fartarella was just a bonus) and was in China soon after.

I absolutely loved my first gig in China, I loved the students and I worked 15 hours a week (including prep time). I found this position through

There are now multiple schools all over China who have said I can come back and teach anytime.  You can do this too, it is incredibly easy.  Just start searching the internet for “Teaching English in (Some Country)” and start emailing employers.

Good luck and live life with Passion!

So What is this Job Which is Too Good To Be True?

July 24, 2009

Simple….Teach English.  You think you can do that?  (If you don’t know what I’m talking about read my previous post)   If you can read this, you can teach English.  It is much easier than you might think.  I did for 4 years and it was a dream come true (when I feel like it, I’m sure I’ll do it again).  Have you ever thought about it?  Do you realize that there are well over 300 million students in China alone learning English!?  That is about the population of the US.  There is an ENORMOUS demand for native English speakers to go to various countries and teach English. 

Why is this such a wonderful opportunity?  Simple, supple and demand people!!  It all comes down to the fundamentals.  Now, don’t say, “but so many people speak English, there must be plenty of supply!”  If you say that I’m gonna whack you on your head.  The supply of English teachers is low.  Here’s why:

1. You gotta have a college degree to teach English in most countries

2. People are unaware of this opportunity

3. People are afraid of adventure

4. People feel too tied down

5. People think it’s too difficult or dangerous.

While the supply of English teachers is slowly increasing, demand is increasing even faster.  One semester when I was teaching English in China and looking for a new position, I got 192 job offers to teach English in 1 week!  So, back to why this is such a great opportunity.  Here’s why:

1. The salary is usually upper-middle class level which means you can live well and still save.

2. You get to travel and see wonderful places.

3. It is usually standard that your employer provides you accomodation free of charge (which is usually the residence which is envied by the locals)

4. It is usually standard for your employer to pay all of your bills.  That’s right YOU HAVE NO BILLS!

5. You usually work about 12-25 hours per week (depending on the country and school)

6. In many teaching positions you teach the same class material all week (ie: very little preparation time needed)

7. You have the opportunity to learn a new language and about a new culture.

8. Overseas experience looks really good if you ever want to come back and apply for a “job” again.

9.  In most of the countries where English is taught as a second language, the students are very eager to learn, hard-working, and respectful.

10. Perhaps the most important reason for me: new types of cuisine. 

I could go on and on, but my point is, if you are a little brave, can break away from any bonds that may tie you (you can go overseas and teach English for 1 semester if you want), and can get enough for a plane ticket, you can do this and basically live like you are retired.

The best part about it all, I know I can always get a job teaching English if I want, and I have so many opportunities to travel to so many countries if I want and I’ll get paid doing it!  So can you.

If you still don’t believe me, that’s fine, it’s your life.  However, you don’t know what you’re missing til you give it a shot. So, if you want to learn more, I’ll give you a little assignment (don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll forget to collect it).  Go to Dave’s ESL cafe, which is considered one of the best sites to find an ESL (English as a Second Language) Teaching position and have a look around.  Click on the Link on the right of the page entitled “Dave’s ESL Cafe”.  Poke around and come back and tell me how I just got you super excited and you can’t wait to fly to Chile, work 16 hours a week and sip martini’s on the beach!

Go there now!  Don’t wait……………….if you’re are reading this, you haven’t looked at your future yet.  Go, Dave’s ESL Cafe……NOW.    Good Luck 🙂

Why I am here to break the bondage of your “job”

July 19, 2009

“I can’t find a job”, “I hate my job”, “Well, I gotta pay my bills” are some of the most annoying statements in the world to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame people for saying things such as this, it just bugs me because I know they are missing out on opportunities that could enrich their life.  We all gotta pay our bills and make money and get insurance and blah blah blah…However, I don’t know about you, but I refuse to live my life in a way that I don’t want to and in a way where time will just pass me buy.  I insist on living my life with passion! 

Anyone who is reading this is priviliged.  No, seriously.  If you have internet access and can read English, you are luckier than most.  If you have the time to read my little blurb in the far-off, distant corner of cyberspace, then you are lucky.  Never forget that.  This being said, even for us lucky ducks, life can be hard and it’s easy to get caught up.  But, seriously now, do you really want to look back on your time here and say “shoulda, coulda, woulda”?  I know I don’t.

Now, I am not advocating you run amok, do anything illegal or walk directly up to that person you’ve always liked and give them a huge kiss.  I am advocating that you don’t settle and don’t let yourself get caught up.  I have never had what I consider a “job”.  To me, a “job” is something that sucks, that I have to drag myself out of bed, fight traffic, struggle to make it through the day fuelled by caffeine just so I can come home frusterated and ready to do it all over again.  I don’t ever want that and I refuse to do that. 

I’m not poor, I’m not old with a retirement fund, and I never inherited a penny in my life, but I can do what I want, when I want.  Why, not because I’m smarter than anyone else (I am not), not because I have as much money as Buffett, and not because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth (or pocket).  It’s because I made a decision to live life the way I want to, with passion.  Because of this decision, I’ve sought out opportunities most people overlook or never know exist.  I know of jobs with enormous demand (even during an economic crisis-what an annoying word) that the vast majority of you could have almost immediately without much work.  I know of safe ways to make 15%+ return on your money. 

Again, I am nothing special, I’ve just done alot of research intended to support my conviction to do what I want with my life and to live it with PASSION! 

I believe that a life lived for oneself is not a life worth living, so I want to spread my ideas and “secrets” with you.  Therefore, this blog is dedicated to you and getting you out of the stinkin rat race before you run yourself to death.  My goal here is to make you JOB IMMUNE so you never need a “job” again, so that all your work is fuelled by your desire and passion. 

My next post will be about a job with TONS of demand and very little supply. Most people who take up this position receive a above-average salary, get a free fully-furnished apartment, and get to travel to exotic destinations, and work anywhere from 15-25 hours per week.  Sounds pretty unbelieveable huh?  Well, it is and I loved doing it for 4 years and will probably do it again someday.  The most ridiculous thing is it’s very easy to find a position and so few people know about it. 

OK, I’m sure you’re thinking this guys nuts or this guys trying to sell you something.  I can assure you I am not selling anything or making a dime (I’m pretty sure I’m not nuts, but who knows these days). 

I’ll give you a hint…can you speak English?  If you read this far, then I’m sure you can.  But not everyone can.  OK, see you at my next post and I’ll let you know.  Unlike what advertisers say, this information actually did change my life!